Baby It’s Cold Outside!

January is here and so are the chilly temperatures. Getting out and about and enjoying the cool crisp air is now more important than ever to boost your spirits during the colder months and to help get through lockdown. Parent’s just because you have an infant, does not mean you have to stay all winter indoors. Babies need fresh air and sunshine with the adequate protection against the cold air, as well as it can help relieve postpartum cabin fever you may be feeling. Here are a few quick tips to keep in mind when getting ready to venture out and to help keep your sanity with a newborn.

1.     Dress your baby in several layers of light to medium weight clothing (ex. Cotton or fleece). This allows one layer to be easily removable if the weather warms up on your walk. It is also noted by pediatricians, babies who are 12 months and older require the same amount of clothing as an adult, and younger babies need at least one extra layer.

2.     Bundle up but make it fashion! Taking your baby out for a stroll helps them become acclimatized to the seasons but it is important to keep them warm and cozy in the winter months. It is essential for your baby to wear a hat as the most heat is lost in their heads as well as wearing mittens, socks, and booties is a must. Also remember to winterize your stroller by placing a bunting bag over your baby’s stroller to keep them warm.

3.     Say yes to baby wearing & snuggles! What better way to keep both you and your baby close and comfortable on a chilly winter day? Be sure to choose a carrier that is easy to get on and off if baby becomes fussy. Any carrier will add that additional layer to of warmth but here are a few carriers recommended for winter outings Boba Baby Wrap and Tula Free to Grow (buckle carrier). Although it is nice to be cozy with your baby remember to ensure that their face is not pressed into your chest obstructing their airway.

I hope you find these quick tips useful but like with all things related to newborn care you should always use your best judgment when venturing out during the colder months. Please keep in mind children under the age of two are more susceptible to hypothermia and frostbite.

How do you keep warm in the winter months with your baby? Let me know in the comments below! If you are looking for support on all things related to newborn care? Send me an email to find out how I can help you.

Happy New Year! Hope you had an amazing first week of 2021!


Your Daisy Doula,



*Disclaimer: The general information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute therefore. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider in your jurisdiction to discuss any questions that you believe may be relevant to you.


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